made to order
Here you will find an overview of some of the most frequently requested items. Each of these items are made to order. Prices may vary depending on fabric and level of detail and decoration requested. Please contact me to place your order.
Chemise |
FaLl front tRousers |
waisTcoat |
capOt |
women's Chemise
drawstring dress |
thread buttons
Red eNsign
mÉtis flag
100% liene, this flag can be made in a nombre of size. By adding a few letters it can be made into a HBC or NWC flag.
Price range: $250-$600 depending on the size |
this bleu amd white flag (or red and white) is based on the description of the flag flone by Cothbert Gant in 1817.
Price range: $175-$350 |